Education and Manufacturing for the Next Generation
October 7, 2016 marks National Manufacturing Day in the United States, featuring over 1200 events for businesses and manufacturing operations across the country. Designed to highlight the authentic experience of these companies, many businesses will hold events throughout the week to celebrate modern manufacturing.

In addition to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Education, events like Manufacturing Day bring awareness and excitement to innovative manufacturing training and careers for future generations. Factory tours, public events, and educational forums help inform, educate, and inspire young people and their communities to learn about the manufacturing industry.
As a global leader in custom magnetics, Agile recognizes the importance of inspiring the next generation of innovation. STEM not only shapes our personal everyday experiences, but also those of society at large — transportation, the environment, appliances, and industrial systems are all touched by engineering.
The U.S. Labor Department cites rapid growth throughout all varieties of engineering as well — and it comes as no surprise. The future of the craft is waiting to be designed, and Manufacturing Day opens the doors for young minds to explore, ask questions, and see what modern manufacturing is truly about. We wish every participant — from experienced engineers to curious students — every possible success.
Custom Services at Agile Magnetics
The Agile Magnetics team crafts custom transformers and transformer enclosures, as well as systems in a variety of configurations to fit every customer’s magnetics needs. From premium sourcing, to custom design, to top of the line precision manufacturing, our team is proud to be a part of the great American tradition — and community — of manufacturers.
To learn more about National Manufacturing Day and events in your community, visit the official website.
For more inforamtion about our services and our company, download our new eBook, A Guide to High Frequency Transformers, or reach out to a member of the team today.
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